The component is part of the "Green Bulgaria" pillar and aims to increase the sustainable management and competitiveness of the agricultural sector through measures to improve the economic sustainability of the sector in the context of climate change.
The component includes a total of one (1) reform aimed at changes in the strategic framework of agriculture in the context of the country's commitments arising from the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Green Deal and two (2) investments.
Investment "Fund for promoting the technological and ecological transition of agriculture" provides free financial support to Bulgarian farmers with the aim of rapid recovery from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, overcoming the problems hindering the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector and accelerating its adaptation to climate change, strengthening the sustainability of production, digital transformation and improving genetic resources.
Within the framework of the Fund, assistance will be provided for the realisation of targeted investments such as the purchase of tangible and intangible assets ensuring environmental protection and mitigating the consequences of climate change, introducing innovative products and digital technologies, automating work processes and shortening the chains of delivery.
Two (2) directions are implemented in the investment:
• The "Investments in technological and ecological modernisation" direction supports the following investments:
◦ equipment/facilities for storing animal and vegetable manure waste; mineral fertilisers necessary for the farm's production activity; production of energy from RES for own consumption, including those using biomass; the processing of waste raw materials from agricultural products used for own consumption; application of precision agriculture to protect natural resources (optimisation of soil treatments, use of fertilisers and preparations for plant protection, etc.); prevention of extreme manifestations of adverse weather phenomena, such as hail, frost, drought;
◦ systems and equipment /including software and/or hardware/ for collecting, processing and analysing data and information from the various phases of cultivation, production, storage and sale of agricultural products; digital solutions that improve the process of growing crops and animals and contribute to optimising the volume of investments made; automation and robotisation of individual phases of production processes;
◦ other assets related to the protection of the environment, climate and natural resources
The grant will be provided to registered farmers.
• Direction "Investments in centres for preparation for market offering and storage of fruits and vegetables" aims to create short supply chains, modernise and automate the processes of collection, preparation for the market and storage of fresh fruits and vegetables.
An indicative list of possible investments:
◦ construction/reconstruction of a centre and infrastructure for collection, preparation for marketing (cleaning, sorting, packaging/packaging, labelling, etc.) and storage of fruits and vegetables
◦ quipment/facilities for the individual phases of production preparation for sale (reception, sorting, calibration, cleaning, packing/wrapping, labelling, etc.); warehousing and storage of produce (including cooling, freezing, drying, storage equipment, box pallets, reusable crates, etc.); production transportation equipment, etc.;
Recipients of the grant may be farmers, producer organisations, cooperatives, and associations of farmers.
• Direction "Investments for construction/reconstruction and equipment of livestock facilities for breeding and evaluation of male breeding animals, including extraction of biological material from them" aims to promote the breeding and improvement activity in large and small ruminants (ERD and DRD), and more specifically - the breeding of quality male breeders with valuable hereditary, biological and economic qualities, as one of the essential factors for achieving rapid genetic progress. An indicative list of possible investments:
◦ construction/reconstruction of a livestock facility for breeding male breeding animals with stations for extraction, assessment, storage and distribution of seminal fluid (stable for breeding animals, feed storage facilities, facilities for storing liquid and solid manure, premises for temporary quarantine of animals, etc.)
◦ equipment related to animal husbandry activities; laboratory for quality, cooling, freezing and storage of seminal fluid
◦ means of transport for distribution, use of the harvested breeding material, etc.
Recipients of the grant direction can be breeding organisations that have received permission to carry out breeding activities according to the Animal Breeding Act.
• Direction "Investments related to efficient water management in agricultural holdings" aims at more efficient use of water resources in agricultural holdings, based on the implementation of water-saving technologies, use of purified wastewater, automation of water management processes, reduction of water losses, etc.
An indicative list of possible investments:
◦ irrigation systems, including sprinkler installations, drip irrigation systems and other systems for efficient use of water resources in the irrigation process;
◦ installations for purification and recycling of waste and incoming water, and reuse of water;
◦ equipment/facilities for applying innovative water-saving technologies;
◦ facilities for storing water - tanks, cisterns, etc.;
◦ automated irrigation systems, including digital and robotic solutions;
◦ other investments related to the efficient use of water in agricultural activities
Recipients of the aid may be registered farmers.
• Beneficiaries of the program are the State Fund "Agriculture" - Paying Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry;
• The indicative financial resource from the Instrument for Recovery and Sustainability is BGN 437 million without VAT.
Investment "Digitalization of processes from the farm to the table" aims to introduce digital technologies and build new business models in agriculture, the development of production capacity. Attracting private investment and creating jobs and maintaining employment in the sector. The main activity of the project is the creation of an Electronic Information System in Agriculture /EISA/ and the creation of unified communication interfaces providing standardised data.
• The beneficiary of the program is the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry;
• The total amount of the project is BGN 19 million (without VAT).
You can find updated information about the individual programs for funding under Component 6 of the NPVU here in the "Current European Programs" section.